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Here is some important info for race directors about how we can help before, during, and after your race with race management, timing services, marketing, and more. If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact us!


Jump to Q&A about
pre-race logistics and marketing opportunities for your big event.


Jump to Q&A about how your participants can sign up and how you can their data organized.

Race Day

Jump to Q&A about how we help coordinate the big event to make it a fun and seamless experience.

Contact Us

Still have unanswered questions? Jump to ways you can contact us and we'll be glad to help.


Does Bryn Mawr Racing provide insurance?

We do not provide race day insurance beyond coverage of our equipment. You can check with your local insurance agent or go to USATF’s website and get an estimate from them; They provide insurance for thousands of races a year. Another option is the Road Runners Club of America; they require that your race is linked to a local running club.


How do I send an email blast through Bryn Mawr Racing’s contact list?

First, make sure to sign up for our marketing package or pay for the blast individually. Second, send us your content. This includes: race amenities, pictures, perhaps a promotional code, etc. Lastly, we’ll schedule it to go out and then send you the results.


Can Bryn Mawr Racing help with packet pick-up?

Bryn Mawr Running Co. stores offer free pre-race packet pickup. You can use any one of the stores (Bryn Mawr, Media, West Chester, or Emmaus) as your pre-race headquarters. Each runner who picks up their packet at the store will get exclusive coupons for store specials. Please note that the race director or race staff must run registration, but the store will provide space and a table.


What type of awards should I offer?

Awards are an opportunity that can help you can stand out from other races. Traditionally, races offer medals, trophies, cash, or gift cards. There are many other ways to reward runners for their efforts. Google the best post race prizes and you’ll find interesting ideas...or brainstorm with your race committee and create something new!


Does Bryn Mawr Racing assist in getting permits?

We don’t have the manpower to get permits for a venue. However we can assist in designing a race course once you find your venue and permission to run a race at that location. Please ask us and we’ll give you a few options on a course.


How can I optimize the open-rate on my event's email blast?

We recommend an engaging subject line, videos/photos, and include information that makes your race stand out (information about a unique charity, fun post-race details, etc.)


How can I improve my race's registration numbers?

Getting a permit, finding a race site, and setting up online registration does not guarantee that runners will flock to your event.  There are so many races out there now and so much competition that your race needs to stand out from the rest. Bryn Mawr Racing provides marketing services. These are tried-and-true ways of getting the word out. The key question to ask yourself and the committee: How is our race going to stand out and be a unique and fun experience? A good cause is often WHY you are having the race, but runners want an EXPERIENCE that is memorable.




How do we get started on registration?

First, we'll email you a questionnaire to learn the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of your race. This form can also be used as a printable registration form. Next, we'll set up an online registration for your runners based on the information you've provided us. This typically takes less than a day to complete.


What website will we use to promote the race?

If you have your own race website, you can use that URL and include registration on that site. This way you can keep all race details up to date, and keep registrants aware of any changes. If you don't have your own site, we can set up a landing page on our site (race calendar page) for you to use.


How can we manually enter a registrant?

Visit and log in. Select participants > import >  input the registrant’s first name, last name, gender, event, t-shirt size, email, city and state. Any other fields are optional.


What if we didn't order enough race t-shirts?

There are a few ways we recommend handling this: 1. Have the participants who signed up at the end stop by the registration table and claim a shirt from a no-show runner; 2. Record shirt sizes from those who didn't get a shirt and order additional shirts in those sizes. The runner can pick it up, or you can mail it.


How close to the race should we close registration?

The nature of most races is that registrants will wait until the last minute to register. With that being said, the goal is to keep registration open as long as possible. Short answer: you don’t want to ever close registration before race day (unless you are sold out). Bryn Mawr Racing has found a way to never close registration before race day with the RunSignUp free Check-In app.


How much should we charge for our race?

Race registration fees vary. Often, a 5K race will charge $20-$30/person, and the cost will increase for longer races. You can also do tiered pricing, where the cost increases the closer you get to race day.


Is there a way to hide the registration fee for registrants?

You can opt to build the fee into the registration cost if you do not want registrants to see the transaction fee associated with signing up online. Paper applications the day of the race (which wouldn't have the extra fee) are recommended, too.


How can I refund registrants who cancel? has the capability to help you refund registrants who sign up, but cannot attend the race. However, we recommend making the registration fee non-refundable; Since races often benefit charities, people understand that their fee may not be returnable, and the charity still benefits from those who have canceled.


How do I access registrant information?

You can access this information on Log in > Go to participants > View participants > Export Options > Download All as CSV. This Excel/CSV file will give you an organized view of the runners' information.




How many Bryn Mawr Racing Co. employees will be working at the race?

Races under 500 people will have 2 staff members present to help. Occasionally, for a pull-tag race of 250+ people, a 3rd staffer is necessary; please note there is an additional charge for this. For a large chipped time race (>1,000 people) we’ll usually send out at least 3 staff members to handle the large amount of race day registration data.


Will BMRC staff members train my volunteers for registration?

Yes, we’ll train your volunteers on how to handle pre-registered runners and those who register at the race.


What happens if the runners go the wrong way on the course?

Marshals can help prevent this from happening. You may also consider a bike/vehicle led, and a wagon sag at the back of the crowd.


How should registration be set up at the race?

If participants have downloaded the free RunSignIn app, they can check in once they arrive at the race. They can present this screen to the volunteers to get their bib. This will greatly expedite the process. For those who have not pre-paid, there will be kiosks on site and Bryn Mawr Racing Co. staff on site to help those using them.


How do we make sure the race course is well-marked?

BMRC can mark the course. However, this is not the primary way runners should rely on running the correct direction. The most important part of course management: MARSHALS, MARSHALS, MARSHALS! They need to be trained on the entire course with specifics about the intersection that they are working at. When picking marshals, we strongly recommend adults (rather than kids).


When should we announce awards?

Our goal is to get the awards in your hands 45-50 minutes after the start of a typical 5K (a little longer for a 5 miler and so on). You should announce the awards no later than 1 hour after the start of the race.


Race Day

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Greater Philadelphia Area

Tel: 484-686-5900

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